Asset Importer App

Easily import third-party assets for use in PhotoAlign Studio.

About Asset Importer

Asset Importer is a Windows program that helps easily import and use images (JPG, BMP, PNG, etc.) edited or managed by external applications or software into the PhotoAlign Studio software.

This program is included as the file AssetImporter.exe in the installation folder of PhotoAlign Studio at C:\Program Files\PhotoAlign Studio.
Using the Asset Importer App, you can conveniently use image files from other programs without the need to save, transfer, copy, or export files separately.
This program cannot be run independently and must be used with compatible software.

Currently, the following programs are supported for integration:

Integration with WEBCEPH

The feature to upload photos to WEBCEPH can be used directly within the PhotoAlign and PhotoPort programs.

Upload photos to WEBCEPH in PhotoAlign
Upload photos to WEBCEPH in PhotoPort

Integration with DentWeb

You can import or export images by integrating with DentWeb, a dental charting and billing program in South Korea.
(The official DentWeb program must be installed on your computer, and the DentWeb server must be operational and connected.)

Exporting Images to DentWeb
To export images from PhotoAlign or PhotoPort to DentWeb, check the DentWeb Integration option in the Integration and Plugin Settings section of the Settings menu.
Afterward, once you edit and save photos in PhotoAlign, you will see the Send to DentWeb button activated in the result dialog.
Alternatively, in PhotoPort, you can select the desired photos and click the [Send to DentWeb] button in the [Action Panel] at the bottom.

When you click this button, a window will appear where you can enter the DentWeb patient chart number. Please make sure to enter the DentWeb patient chart number accurately.
(If you do not see the button, check the [Integration with DentWeb] on [Settings])

At the middle of the window, you can choose whether to upload based on the current date or select a specific date for uploading.
Then, click the Upload button to send the images to the patient with the corresponding chart number in DentWeb. The uploaded images will be available in the DentWeb.
When uploading multiple images, the window may temporarily appear to freeze due to synchronous transferring data to the DentWeb database.

Importing Images from DentWeb
To import images for a selected patient from DentWeb, you must first manually configure the external program settings in DentWeb.

Using the official method provided by DentWeb, first click anywhere in the waiting patient list (red box) to the right of the Search button at the top.
Then, type the key externapp on your keyboard (the typed text will not appear on the screen).
If you type e x t e r n a p p correctly, a settings window as shown below will appear.

In the External App settings window, input the following:
App Name: "Open in PhotoAlign Studio" (or any name of your choice)
Specify Execution File Path: Select "Absolute Path"
Absolute Path to .exe: Click the box to open the file browser, navigate to the installation folder of PhotoAlign Studio (C:\Program Files\PhotoAlign Studio), and select AssetImporter.exe.
Argument Before json: Enter "dentweb" exactly

Then click the [Add] button, verify that it has been successfully added to the list above, and click [Close].
Note that this configuration applies across the same clinic, so it does not need to be set up on every computer.
However, to execute importing into PhotoAlign software, PhotoAlign Studio must be installed on the respective computer.

If the setup is successful, after selecting a patient, click the Take Picture menu at the top of DentWeb, and the [Open in PhotoAlign Studio] menu you just added will be activated.

Clicking this menu will launch the Asset Importer app, allowing you to import and use images in PhotoAlign, PhotoPort, and PhotoStudio.

Request for Integration