How-To Guides

Please note that screenshots and instructions may vary due to version differences.

Activation, Deactivation, and Migration

To activate the software, launch the software first. You will see the activation window the first time you run the software.
Enter your email address and license key in the appropriate fields.
The license key should be delivered to your email inbox.
The 'Device Name' is for recognition, so please enter it freely.

To deactivate the software, click the Settings button and open the Others tab.
Click the Deactivation button to deactivate the product.

Please note that deactivation unbinds the current software from the device. You can use another license key to activate the software on the same computer.
This deactivation process doesn't mean neither refund nor cancel subscription. You can manage the subscription through a page link sent to your email just after the transaction.

If you want to 'migrate' the license from current computer to another, please 'Deactivate' the license first.
With online status, the license will be unbound from your device, and you can use that license key to activate the software on other computers.
If you encounter any errors, please contact us to request the migration process.

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