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Folder Structure for Photo Files
There are three methods to match photos to slides:
1. Recognize photo types using AI
2. Match by filename
3. Match by file order within a folder
When you select a source folder to create slides from, the first subfolder will be recognized as date (e.g., 01/01/2001, 02/02/2002). All photo files in this and deeper subfolders will be treated as being on the same level, regardless of folder names like "Photos" or "Radiographs."
You can choose to match by filename to frame IDs in the slides, or by file order within the folder.
AI-powered Automatic Placement
Click the [AI Match] button in the review window to let AI automatically assign targets to photos that haven’t been assigned yet.
This feature requires PhotoAlign to be installed with a valid license activated.
It only applies to certain types of photos, like frontal, smile, right lateral, oblique, intraoral series, panoramic, and cephalometric X-rays. Other types such as overbite, overjet, periapical radiographs are not automatically recognized.
To enable auto placement, the default slide template’s frame IDs must be used as-is (e.g., eo_photo_frontal, io_photo_upper).
Auto placement recognizes categories by date folder groups.
Photos placed using AI will be displayed with green text.
AI recognition may result in errors or incorrect allocations, so the user must review the list for accuracy.
Matching Filenames with Slide Frame IDs
This method matches photo filenames with slide frame IDs.
To use this method, you should uncheck the order match checkbox.
For example, if a photo file in the folder is named eo_photo_frontal.jpg (or .gif, .png, .bmp), it will be inserted into the slide frame with the ID eo_photo_frontal.
Frame names are used simply to describe what each frame is for.
If you make any changes, click the [Overwrite Properties File] button at the top to save or click [Next] to apply changes only for the current session.
Matching by File Order within a Folder
This method matches the order of files in a folder (usually by name) with slide frame IDs in sequence.
You must check the order match checkbox.
For example, if the photo files in a folder are arranged as 1, 2, 3, they will be inserted into the slide frames in the same order as the first, second, and third frame IDs (eo_photo_frontal, eo_photo_smile, eo_photo_oblique).
To change the order of frames, you can use the arrow buttons on the right.
Frame names are used simply to describe what each frame is for.
If you make any changes, click the [Overwrite Properties File] button at the top to save or click [Next] to apply changes only for the current session.
You can also change the order in the slide review window.
1. To change the overall order of frames, drag and move the frame name labels at the top.
2. You can also move individual photos within the same date (subfolder) group by dragging them with your mouse.
Use placeholders to adjust the order.
In addition to adjusting the overall frame order or individually reordering photos, you can insert placeholders to make a blank space.
Opening and Editing Templates in PowerPoint
There are some important things to keep in mind when directly editing the template file (.potx).
1. It is generally best to avoid editing the default templates.
2. It is recommended to duplicate one of the default templates and its .ini file to the [User Templates] folder before making edits.
3. Template files should have the extension POTX, not PPTX.
4. Instead of double-clicking to open, right-click and choose [Open] or [Open with PowerPoint].
5. You can view the template’s layout by clicking [View] - [Slide Master View].
6. Some effects may not be applied during the template generation process in PhotoSlide.
7. When saving your changes, ensure the file is saved as .POTX.
Matching Slide Settings with Templates
When editing a template file (.potx), you need to correctly set the Cover Slide ID, Slide Prefix, and Default Background Slide ID.
As shown in the screenshot, you can right-click on each slide in [Slide Master View] and select [Rename Layout] to view and edit the slide ID.
The slide ID is identical to the "Layout Name" in PowerPoint.
Matching Template Photo Frames with Settings
When editing a template file (.potx), you also need to correctly set the Title ID and Frame ID.
As shown in the screenshot, you can open the [Selection Pane] by clicking [Select] - [Selection Pane] in [Slide Master View].
Each listed item corresponds to a frame in the slide.
For example, the name of a [Photo Frame] labeled "Front" can be found and edited in the [Selection] panel (e.g., eo_photo_frontal).
The names in the [Selection] panel must match the corresponding Frame ID items in PhotoSlide.
Since photo aspect ratios can vary (e.g., 4:3, 3:2, 2:1), you may need to customize the template to fit your needs using this method.
Automation Presets
You can add automation actions by clicking the [Add Action] button in the slide photo review window.
Crop: Crop portions of the photo from the top, bottom, left, or right. This can be used to prevent "squishing" when the photo’s aspect ratio differs from the template’s.
Rotate: Rotate the photo at any angle between 0 and 360 degrees. This can be used if the original photo was saved at an incorrect angle.
Flip: Flip the photo horizontally or vertically. This can be useful if the original photo was taken with a mirror.
Brightness and Contrast: Adjust the brightness and contrast of the photo.
Selecting Multiple Photos
In the slide review window, you can select multiple photos at once by dragging or holding down the Ctrl key and clicking on multiple items.
However, you cannot reorder multiple photos simultaneously by dragging.
Import photos from DentWeb
Learn more about importing photos from DentWeb.